In the late 1800’s, three Associations, the Stony Fork Association, the Primitive Association, and the Elkin Association, each released churches in order to form a new Association to be called the Stone Mountain Baptist Association. This move was made in order to better serve churches located in this area of Wilkes County. For three days in November of 1897, (19th, 20th, and 21st) representatives from 8 churches came together in order to organize the new Association. These churches were Gap Hill, New Covenant, Walnut Grove, Dehart, Mt. Pisgah, New Light, Piney Grove, and Traphill. Elder Calloway Blevins was elected as moderator and Mr. J.S. Kilby was elected as Clerk and Treasurer. During this session, the Rules of Order, Articles of Faith, and a Constitution were adopted. The Constitution has been modified through the years with Bylaws, but the Rules of Order and Articles of Faith remain basically unchanged. Through the years, churches have joined and churches have left, but today the Association is still strong with 15 member churches. The Stone Mountain Baptist Association is affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Association supports both International Missions and North America Missions through the Cooperative Program, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Also, support is given to various ministries, such as the North Carolina Baptist Children’s Homes and Baptists on Mission. Local ministries are also helped and supported by the Association and individually by the 16 affiliated churches. The churches, individually and through the Association, remain strongly committed to the Great Commission, the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, and evangelism in order to continue to win souls to Christ.
The Association supports both International Missions and North America Missions through the Cooperative Program, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Also, support is given to various ministries, such as the North Carolina Baptist Children’s Homes and Baptists on Mission. Local ministries are also helped and supported by the Association and individually by the 16 affiliated churches. The churches, individually and through the Association, remain strongly committed to the Great Commission, the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, and evangelism in order to continue to win souls to Christ.